
Do you have trouble hypersomnia sleeping?

If you feel tired or sleepy during the day in unusual situations or the time required for your sleep is more than normal (more than ten hours at night), you may have diseases of increased daytime sleepiness.
Its causes are primary or secondary, which are the most common secondary causes of nighttime insomnia, sleep apnea, periodic leg movements during sleep, some diseases such as MS, depression, seizures, or the use of certain drugs or alcohol, or brain problems such as some tumors.

One of its primary causes is narcolepsy or idiopathic hypersomnia.
Symptoms of narcolepsy include increased daily sleepiness and falling asleep in inappropriate positions, falling attacks and loss of muscle tone following emotional news, paralysis attacks and hallucinations.
Diagnosis is by sleep test and daily sleepiness test and the treatment is different depending on the symptoms.